PETA | Year of Change

Data Protection

PETA Deutschland e.V. takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Therefore, we want to inform you, the user, about the nature, extent, and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the responsible providers.

Responsible for data processing: 

PETA Deutschland e.V.
Represented by Harald Ullmann
Friolzheimer Str. 3
70499 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 860591-0
Fax: +49 711 860591-111
E-Mail: [email protected]

PETA Deutschland e.V. has appointed a data protection officer who may be contacted at the following address:

PETA Deutschland e.V.
Attn: Data protection officer
Friolzheimer Str. 3
70499 Stuttgart
[email protected]

PETA Deutschland e.V. processes personal data in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the regulations of the BDSG-neu.

I. Access Data and Server Log Files

PETA-named affiliates may provide certain support services to PETA Deutschland e.V.;  in order to provide those services, such affiliates may have access to personal data. The affiliates may also have access to personal data if it is necessary to optimise PETA Deutschland’s operational or campaigning activities or we have another legitimate interest in sharing it with them. The affiliates are only provided with the data that is necessary in order to fulfil the relevant service, and we have an agreement in place with each that requires them to operate with the same care regarding data protection as we do.

If you are using our website only to access information, we will not save any of your personal data and will use it only to assess and continuously improve our product in-house.

For example, PETA Deutschland e.V., or the relevant internet service provider, gathers data – known as server log files – every time the website is accessed. This access data includes the following:

  • IP address
  • Time of website access
  • Website accessed
  • Server status code (e.g. defect note)
  • Size of the delivered object or transferred data, as relevant
  • Referrer URL (the website from which you came to our website)
  • Browser/system software

This data is stored for 365 days.

PETA Deutschland e.V. is entitled to gather, process, store, and use personal user data if this is necessary in order to enable the user to make use of our online services. We are furthermore entitled to access this data to maintain our websites’ operability. In particular, we reserve the right to undertake subsequent protocol data checks if specific activity provides reasonable grounds for suspicion of illegal use.

II. Handling and Processing Personal Data 

According to GDPR article 4(1), “personal data” are particulars regarding the personal or factual circumstances of a defined or definable natural person; therefore, this includes practically all data providing information about a person, such as the person’s name, e-mail address, or phone number, and possibly also about hobbies, interests, or website use. According to GDPR article 4(2), data “processing” includes all processes related to personal data, such as, in particular, collecting, gathering, storing, adapting or editing, requesting, retrieving, using, transferring, deleting, or destroying data.

PETA Deutschland e.V. may collect, use, and pass on personal data to the extent permitted by law, or if the person in question has given approval. We sometimes engage external service providers to conduct commissioned data processing of personal data, but we remain authorised to direct the external service provider at all times. Other than as disclosed below, data is not passed on to third parties. Compliance with legal regulations is ensured contractually as well as through the relevant technical and organisational means applied by the party responsible and the commissioned data processor.

Contacting Us

If you contact PETA Deutschland e.V. – for example, through our contact form or by e-mail – your information will be saved so that we can process your enquiry and handle any further questions.

Comments and Posts

If you leave comments on PETA Germany’s blog or social media channels, your IP address will be saved for reasons of the provider’s security. If a person were to use his or her comments or posts to publish illegal content, such as unlawful abuse or banned political propaganda, PETA Germany could be prosecuted, therefore we need to know the author’s identity.

Storage Period

We assume that the approval you gave PETA Germany e.V. to save your data when you were explicitly asked for it during the data transfer will remain valid for an unlimited period of time. This is why we do not delete data actively transferred to us, unless the person in question asks us to do so. This, of course, does not apply to the server log files automatically transferred from your device when you access our websites (which includes data such as the browser type, operation system used, referrer URL, and host name of the accessing computer). This data will automatically be deleted after 365 days at the latest.

III. The Rights of Affected Persons

PETA Deutschland e.V. aims to work as transparently as possible in processing personal data. We will therefore provide you with extensive information about your rights as an affected person. You are free to exercise these rights at any time, and in doing so, you will not incur any costs apart from your own costs for stamps or telephone usage.


You may ask for a copy of all of your personal data stored by PETA Deutschland e.V. as well as information regarding this data’s origin and possible recipients by contacting our data protection officer.

We may ask you to prove your identity, e.g. by providing us with a copy of your ID card, so that we can make sure that your data are not given to third parties without authorisation. This safety measure serves the purpose of protecting your data. The proof you provide will be deleted immediately after your identity has been verified.

Deleting or Amending Personal Data

In general, you are entitled to amend your personal data, limit their use, or ask PETA Deutschland e.V. to delete them at any time, unless deletion would be prohibited by legal retention periods; in that case, PETA Deutschland e.V. would block the use of the data in question in any type of processing. We generally assume that your approval has no time limitation. This means data that you actively transferred to us are not deleted unless you ask us to do so.

Right of Revocation

You are furthermore entitled to object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes at any time or to revoke your previous approval.

This includes the right to object completely or in part to being contacted by PETA Deutschland in the future. You may, for example, ask us to contact you less if you consider our mailings too frequent. You may furthermore amend the ways in which we may contact you (e.g. by specifying whether you agree to being contacted by post, phone, e-mail, or text message) at any time.

Right to Data Portability 

You are entitled to receive the personal data you gave PETA Deutschland e.V. in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

Contact Data

Should you have questions about the collection, processing, or use of your personal data; want to revoke a previous approval; or want to exercise any of your other rights as an affected person as described above, please use the following address to contact our data protection officer:

PETA Deutschland e.V.
Attn: Data protection officer
Friolzheimer Str. 3
70499 Stuttgart

Of course, you may also contact our data protection officer by e-mail at any time at [email protected].

Please note that if you revoke approval for the storage and processing of your data, PETA Deutschland e.V. will not be able to provide you with certain services, such as sending you our newsletter or letting you participate in contests.

Right of Complaint

Should you feel that PETA Deutschland’s processing of your personal data violates applicable data protection laws, you may send a complaint to the relevant data protection agency.

IV. Inclusion of Third-Party Services and Content

Third-party content, such as YouTube videos, RSS feeds, or graphics from other websites, may be used within PETA Deutschland’s websites. In such cases, the user’s IP address must be recognised, as third-party content cannot be displayed in the user’s browser without her or his IP address. PETA Deutschland e.V. endeavours to use only content for which the information required is limited to the IP address. However, we cannot influence whether third-party providers also store IP addresses for statistical or other purposes. Of course, we would inform our users if we learned about such use. The processing of your data by third-party content providers is subject to the relevant data protection regulations.

PETA Deutschland’s partners, other websites and online services accessible through our websites, and our partners that collect data in connection with contests, promotions, etc., have their own data protection guidelines, which are independent of our policy. We are not responsible or liable for these guidelines, which are not connected to PETA Deutschland e.V.


Our Online Application Form is hosted and maintained by, a service by Appnitro Software, Perum Griyashanta, Block C No. 301, Malang, East Java 65142, Indonesia. Machform is fully GDPR compliant, you can read the full privacy policy here: httpss://

The data will be encrypted and stored in the developers cloud by Amazon web service Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North Seattle WA 98109. United States. Machform has no access to your data. You can read the full AWS privacy policy here: httpss://

V. Use of Social Plugins


PETA Deutschland e.V. may provide links on its websites to social media accounts and content posted or maintained by PETA Deutschland e.V., including PETA Germany’s Facebook presence. PETA Germany’s internet presence may use social “plugins” by the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd, Hanover Reach, 5–7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”). The plugins are recognisable by one of Facebook’s logos (a white “F” on a blue tile or a “thumbs up” symbol) or are marked by the words “Facebook Social Plugin”. Please find a list and the images of these plugins here:


If you access a PETA Deutschland webpage that contains such a plugin, your browser will establish a direct connection to Facebook’s servers. The plugin’s content will be directly transferred from Facebook to your browser and then embedded in the webpage. As we have no influence over the amount of data that Facebook collects with this plugin, we would like to inform you about these plugins to the best of our knowledge:

By embedding plugins, Facebook is informed that you have accessed the relevant PETA Deutschland webpage. If you are logged in to Facebook, it can assign access to your Facebook account. If you interact with plugins, such as by using the “Like” button or posting a comment, the relevant information will be transferred directly to Facebook from your browser and saved there. If you are not logged in, Facebook may still find out and save your IP address.

To learn more about Facebook’s policy regarding the purpose of its data collection, the amount collected, its processing and use of your data, your relevant rights, and the settings you can use to protect your privacy, please read Facebook’s data protection policy.

If you are a Facebook user and don’t want the platform to collect data about you through PETA Deutschland’s websites and connect this with your Facebook user data, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our websites.

It is also possible to block Facebook’s social plugins by using browser add-ons such as the “Facebook Blocker”.


PETA Deutschland e.V. may use Twitter buttons provided by Twitter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, U.S. (“Twitter”). They are recognisable by words such as “Twitter” and “Follow” in connection with a stylised blue bird. PETA Deutschland e.V. may provide links on its websites to enable you to access PETA Germany’s Twitter feed, and also may use Twitter buttons to allow you to share a post or page by PETA Deutschland e.V. on Twitter.

If you access one of PETA Deutschland’s webpages containing a Twitter button, your browser will establish a direct connection to Twitter’s servers. Twitter directly transfers the content of the button to your browser. Therefore, PETA Deutschland e.V. has no influence over the amount of data that Twitter collects through this plugin. To our knowledge, only your IP address and the URL of the accessed webpage will be transferred when the button is displayed. However, this information is used only to display the button.

For more information, please read Twitter’s data protection declaration.


PETA Deutschland’s websites may use social plugins by Instagram. The Instagram logo displayed on our websites is merely linked to PETA Deutschland’s Instagram profiles. If you click the logo, you will be forwarded to Instagram’s website.

VI. Use of Tracking Tools, Cookies, and Analytics Tools

Google Analytics

PETA Deutschland e.V. uses Google Analytics – a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, US (“Google”). Google uses cookies. Information generated by the cookies regarding the use of our websites is usually transferred to a Google server located in the US and saved there. At our request, Google uses this information to evaluate the use of our websites in order to create reports about user activity and provide us with further services connected to the use of our websites and the internet. Pseudonym user profiles may be created from the processed data.

PETA Deutschland uses Google Analytics only with activated IP anonymisation. This means that the user’s IP address is shortened by Google within European Union (“EU”) member states and other Agreement on the European Economic Area member states. Occasionally, the complete IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the US and shortened there. The IP address transferred by the user’s browser will not be merged with other Google data.

You may prevent Google’s collection of data created by the cookie and focused on your use of our websites as well as its processing of this data by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at

Users may also prevent cookies from being saved by clicking this link. This will transfer an opt-out cookie, which prevents any future data collection when accessing this website. Please note that you may not be able to use all website functions thereafter.

For further information on data use for advertising purposes by Google, managing your settings, and ways to object to such data use, please visit Google’s websites: data use by Google when using our partner’s websites or apps, data use for advertising purposes, manage information that Google uses to show you advertisements, and tell Google which advertisements to show you.

General Cookies

PETA Deutschland e.V. also uses other cookies. If you accept their use via the banner at the bottom of this page, we will save this decision for seven days. Therefore, if you visit again after this period, you will be asked for permission again. We want to make our cookie settings as transparent as possible and ensure that we have a current agreement to the use of cookies at all times.

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your device when you visit one of PETA Deutschland’s websites. They contain information that allows the system to recognise the device and possibly enable specific functions on our websites.

This processing is necessary in order to protect PETA Deutschland’s prevailing legitimate interests and is based on GDPR article 6(1)(f).

PETA Deutschland e.V. mainly uses “session cookies”, which are automatically deleted as soon as you end the internet session and close your browser. We also use the following cookie that is saved for longer periods: dm_ID Cookie der IONOS Cloud GmbH (saves the visitors’ ID for one year after deposit).

Cookies are saved on your terminal device, which means that you are in control of our cookie use. You can disable the transfer of cookies or delete saved cookies at any time by changing your browser settings. However, please note that certain functions provided by PETA Deutschland’s websites may then be limited or not possible.

Facebook Tracking Pixels

To evaluate and support our online marketing strategy on and via Facebook, we have embedded a Facebook tracking pixel on this website, which is provided and analysed by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Irland, (“Facebook”). If you visit PETA Deutschland’s websites, the tracking pixel makes a direct connection between your browser and Facebook’s server. Your browser thereby, among other things, informs Facebook that your terminal device visited a website operated by us. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook can connect your visit to our website to your user account. Furthermore, it can see when a Facebook advertisement was successful and led to an online transaction. This remarketing pixel enables us to display advertisements to a predefined audience. In this respect, Facebook provides us only with statistical data without any relation to specific persons. This measure is taken to optimise the impact of our marketing, market research, and tailor PETA Deutschland’s websites. Pixel tracking does not allow us to identify you, as visitors to our websites are marked in an anonymised form. To do this, Facebook uses cookies. It stores and uses the data collected through pixels, in some cases outside the territorial validity of EU data protection regulations.

For more information on Facebook’s policy regarding the purpose and extent of its data collection, its processing and use of your data, and the settings you can use to protect your privacy, please read its data protection policy.

You can edit the settings for Facebook advertisements here if you are logged in to Facebook. Alternatively, you can disable Facebook pixels on the Digital Advertising Alliance website.

If you have a Facebook account and don’t want Facebook to collect data during your use of websites operated by PETA Deutschland e.V. and then connect this to your Facebook user data, you should log out of Facebook before visiting our websites.

Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

PETA Deutschland e.V. uses Google AdWords conversion tracking to evaluate the success of our advertising efforts. Google records certain steps you may take on PETA Deutschland’s websites, such as subscribing to our newsletter or submitting a donation form. This allows Google to count the number of actions taken and to see – based on previously placed cookies – which advertisements had been clicked previously that seem to be relevant for your interests. Google processes this data on servers located in the US and does not connect this to any personal data associated with your Google account.

Google Fonts

We use the fonts (“Google Fonts”) provided by Google. For the relevant data protection regulations, please go to httpss:// To find out more about opting out, please visit httpss://

Google Maps

We embed the maps (“Google Maps”) provided by Google. The data processed may include, in particular, users’ IP addresses and location data. These are collected only with the user’s permission (which is usually set on your mobile device). This data may be processed in the US. Please find the relevant data protection regulations at httpss:// To opt out, go to httpss://

VII. Edits and Updates

PETA Deutschland e.V. reserves the right to edit these data protection guidelines from time to time. Should the way in which your personal data is being used change, we will inform you by publishing new data protection guidelines and, if necessary, ask you to agree to this new use of personal data.